Trash they will be…

“If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words, we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive.” -Betty Eadie

Words are stronger than simple alphabets and vowels merged together. Words have life and just like seeds, they grow and manifest what they harbor in meaning.  Am a little concerned on utterances molded into being by people either be it by joking, hurt or even during times of happiness. For today, I will focus on a notion/slogan entertained in the female world concerning men. I am not trying to be an ambassador of men, I can’t be for the shoe is bigger, but I am worried on the kind of seeds being planted and what type of fruits they will reap.

I have heard “Men are trash” spoken countless times. Before I try to explain what these three words do, I have to understand why this notion came into existence and why it is used as an anthem. I have a different understanding of this notion and just to mention a few, it could be used to refer to the actions of men from catcalling to the extreme cases of rape. Also, this phrase can be used by feminists to address the issue of masculinity, as a defensive statement, as a hurt oriented statement or as a guide to the change needed conversations on dealing with issues relating to men in the society. With this in mind, I have a few issues to the choice of the word ” trash” as used in the notion.

“Words are seeds that do more than blow around. They land in our hearts and not the ground. Be careful what you plant and careful what you say. You might have to eat what you planted one day.” -Unknown

According to the dictionary, trash means worthless, or in reference to a person, low of the lows. This means that every time this slogan leaves a ladies’ mouth, a seed of worthiness is sowed. Interestingly this seed never seizes to be sowed and it grows at different rates and seasons translating into different outcomes in actions and this is a ticking time bomb.

However, it doesn’t matter how long this bomb will take to explode fully but in current days and age, the results are being seen with the high number of domestic related incidents being reported and witnessed. But what really pushes a man to explode and become vile? I have an interesting theory that I would like to share and it is based on the saying,” You attract what your tongue confesses.”

“Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You’ll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you’ll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke.” -Unknown

This simply means that your words shape your future with such great power that one wrong word from your mouth can ruin the next minute of your life or someone else’s life. Most commotions that take place in homes are fueled by the words that the parties, male and female, speak to each other. Often the words are uttered when the parties are hurting and in this state of aggravated anger emotions are high and the mind isn’t 100% sane leading to uncalled for actions. The same ways that these words fuel the conflict, constant utterances of how men are trash will make them trash and if you are among the pool of women who use this term as regularly, then, you will attract the trashy kind of men.

The good thing about this specific notion it is the availability of time to change it up and actually have true and honest conversations as to why some men act the way they act and what triggers them to do so for I believe that for every action one does, something lead to it. But of all, remember to handle the words you use carefully, for they have more power than atom bombs.

12 thoughts on “Trash they will be…

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  1. Wow, I particularly love this piece because I totally agree with you. I often feel like there should be a school just teaching human beings on the power of their minds and consequently words. I love it.


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